Wednesday, 27 November 2013


We have done our pre-lighting in preparation for our final render and composition. We rendered every fourth frame for all our shots at 1/4 [25%] resolution.

We've also had a layout design for our group name, what do you think?
Also, check out our latest previs here:
Here are our new vehicle turntables:

This is our newest video where we tell you briefly about what we've learned during the production stage of our project:

We are going to start rendering soon, so we'll keep you updated as our short film goes into the compositing stage ~

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

More Updates

We have done a proper turntable for both our characters.

Police Car

Toy Tank

We have also updated our story reel.
Here is an overview of our updated 3D set.

We have also been given the kind opportunity to have our own original music composed for our short film by Martin Kirkhaug. We are very thankful for his kind offer.
Check him out here :
Look out for more updates in the upcoming weeks!!!